Using China Painters Resale to sell your china

China Painters Resale (CPR) wants your china to sell on our website.  There is a process to be followed in order to use CPR. 

    1)     Contact either Charolette McKinney or Larry Terrill via email at or call 314 843-0946.  The terms and conditions will be discussed concerning how CPR works with its suppliers.  A Consignment Agreement, Inventory Form and Shipping instructions will be sent.

    2)    Inventory the china and/or supplies before packing the items in boxes for shipment.

    3)    Complete the Consignment Agreement and Inventory Forms; place them with the shipment and contact  CPR.

    4)    Arrange shipment to St. Louis where we will inspect all items shipped to us and any products that do not meet our rigid standards will be handled as the supplier stipulates.  Any china that is chipped, cracked, painted, or stripped will not be accepted.

    5)    All acceptable items will be priced, photographed, added to CPR database, put into CPR inventory, and added to the website products for sale.